
Monday, November 22, 2010

Christmas Gift Idea

If you're like me and are on a tight Christmas gift budget, I have a wonderful, inexpensive gift idea for Noah. Maybe you know another child that would be just as happy.  It's simple really.

How about a Cardboard box? Noah very much enjoys playing with any cardboard box. Wanna go the extra mile? Take a large box, cut out squares for windows and a door. You can even decorate with crayons! You'll provide hours of happiness and feed the imagination of children without breaking the bank.

If only adults were half as simple.

1 comment:

  1. Oh this is so very true. Last year Abby received a wheelchair in this huge box. It was like 4x3 and full of peanuts. Her 17 year old brother jumped in it almost before I had the goods out of it and played fort for the rest of the night. I have awesome pics!


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